The Time of Madariaga and the Idea of Europe: Salvador de Madariaga in the Congress of Europe in The Hague (1948)



Published 01-10-2021
Víctor Gavín Munté


The idea of Europe in Salvador de Madariaga focused on the belief that without the previous creation of a European conscience, understood as the capacity to think the problems of Europe above the borders of the European states, any project of political or economic integration would be incomplete. Subjective solidarity, able to unite people beyond their material interests, must complete a de facto solidarity derived from the political and economic relations between the states. Hence, their problems will be common ones solvable through common plans. The key would be the existence of a European elite, endowed with a European conscience, able to provide a European soul to all the European institutions. This is the idea that Salvador de Madariaga supports in the Congress of Europe in The Hague (1948) and is put into practice in the College of Europe in Bruges (1949). The college, founded after the initiative of Madariaga, had him as the president of the board of directors up to 1972. One year later, the Charlemagne Prize was awarded to him for all his work in favor of the construction of Europe.

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Congress of Europe, Culture, League of Nations, College of Europe, European Integration.

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