The European Movement and Youth Associations: From the Origins of the Relationship to the European Youth Campaign (1948-1955)



Published 01-10-2021
Ricardo Martín de la Guardia
Guillermo Á. Pérez Sánchez


The activity in favour of Europeanism by the leaders of the European Movement in the years immediately following the war was constant. At this early stage of the European integration process, the interest in spreading the values of economic and political integration (closely linked to education and culture) among the new generations of Europeans led to the organisation of the European Youth Campaign", which was run throughout much of the 1950s. The origin of the initiative arose from the contacts established in the late 1940s - after The Hague Congress - between personalities committed to the Europeanist ideal and youth groups. In short, the vast programme designed was aimed at creating a Europeanist awareness among young people and gaining their support for the emerging integration institutions.

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Europeanism, European movement, The Hague Congress, European Youth Campaign

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