Aileen O’Brien: a Catholic pro-Franco activist in the United States during the Spanish Civil War



Published 01-02-2023
Rafael Escobedo Romero


From February 1938 to March 1939, Aileen O’Brien, a young American activist, took part in many propaganda meetings favoring the Francoist side of the Spanish Civil War throughout the United States, as part of a wider campaign carried out by the nation’s major Catholic media. O’Brien had previously visited the rebel zone from the fall of 1936 to the spring of 1937 on behalf of the Irish Christian Front. She briefly visited Franco’s Spain again in the summer of 1938. An analysis of O’Brien’s campaign as well as of the key elements of her discourse allows us to know revealing and enriching details about the Catholic mobilization for the Nationalist cause.

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Spanish Civil War, United States, Catholic church, Propaganda, Francoism

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