Public Order during the Spring of 1936 in the Province of Murcia



Published 01-06-2023


The instability of the spring of 1936 is a historical issue that continues to arouse interest, since it is linked to the origin of the Civil War. We must analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the violence and the public order in the province of Murcia during this period in order to understand its dynamics, its authors and consequences. Historical sources have been studied, emphasizing the archival documents and bibliography, contrasting them so that their study as a whole makes up for the shortcomings. As a conclusión, the disorders in Murcia were of a similar intensity to that of the general trend in Spain, the responsibility for the violence was shared equally between the left and right-wing organizations and the authorities were not characterized in general by their passivity, with some unclear exceptions.

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Republic, violence, public order, Falange, Frente Popular

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