Judas Unveiled: Trotskyist Otherness and Communist Verification in Spain at War



Published 01-06-2023
José Carlos Rueda Laffond


The anti-Trotskyist impulse is a characteristic feature of communism in the 1930s, approached from the point of view of political struggle, the rise of Stalinism and its export. This article aims to highlight, on the contrary, its relevance as an organizing vector of the communist identity/otherness binomial. The text discusses key aspects of its narrative, with a decidedly international projection, and exemplifies how it was embodied in the verification of several international volunteers during the Spanish Civil War. It highlights a powerful but ductile symbolic imaginary, which took the form of a compact and flexible discourse, reflected in practices that tested militant quality in different situations. To this end, it examines historiographical reflection and, through diverse archival material, the anti-Trotskyist narrative or about its classification and stereotypes in the International Brigades.
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Otherness, Stereotypes, Trotskism, Stalinism, International Brigades, Spanish Civil War, Identity

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