Ice manufacturing in Barcelona: the «La Siberia» factory, 1908-1970



Published 07-07-2011
Mercedes Tatjer


The factory «La Siberia» located in the Poble Nou district (Barcelona) is an example of the industries for artificial ice manufacturing created in many cities. During the last years of the XIXth Century, this production would gradually substitute the one of natural ice that had historically supplied the big urban settlements for therapeutic, food and industrial uses. The research about this factory, closed down from the decade of 1970, has followed a multidisciplinary methodology, which allows the researcher to investigate the industrialization processes from a technical and architectural perspective. It also allows analysing the impact of the manufacturing structures in the urban space, as well as the impact that the introduction of a new technique and product had in the consumption and eating habits of the population. With this case study we bring a new perspective to the knowledge of the processes of continuity and change in the industrialization of cities, issue that has been poorly treated by historians of economic and even urban processes.

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