Politics Through Science: Education Minister Manuel Lora Tamayo
Manuel Lora Tamayo, chair of organic chemistry, was one of the scientists who defended the value of research to the State that emerged from the Spanish Civil War. His efforts enabled him to join in the setting up of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). In collaboration with his secretary general, the soil scientist José María Albareda, he drove forward a science that, while vocational and disinterested, was to contribute to the economic development of Spain. Both took part in the political debate on the training of the new generations of Spaniards, in which they claimed the educational value of the experimental sciences and, ultimately, a potentially less nationalist and authoritarian idea of society. During his ministerial period (1962-1968), Lora Tamayo's project exemplified a de-ideologization of the State and education, although his confrontation with the veteran Interior Minister and dissident students showed its limits.
State, educational policy, science policy, University, civics, authoritarianism
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