Carlism in the war of 1936: the formation of a quasi-state national-corporative and foral in the basque-navarre zone



Published 13-09-2011
Javier Ugarte Tellería


Has often spoken of the emergence during the War of 1936 of true para-state freelance powers in different areas of Republican Spain (especially in the Basque country where, according to de la Granja, Euzkadi was literally born). In the rebel zone, however, has said that military discipline imposed by the army allowed to concentrate all power in Salamanca. For what is proven for Carlism and the Basque-Navarre zone, this last statement does not correspond to the reality of the facts: there was a true quasi-state power in that area, largely autonomous (Foral) from Salamanca guidelines with an own regime project of ultranationalist and corporative order, and with a more than remarkable power. So if in the Republican Basque-Navarro country was born Euzkadi (de la Granja), in the National, was born the Covadonga national-corporative. The existence of clearly fascist projects (generic fascism, Griffin) in Spain and the several innovative monographs about the Spanish's twentieth century require to re-write the synthesis of the history of that Spanish century in a European perspective.

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