So far, yet so close. The Basque Government in Barcelona and the complex relations between basque and catalan nationalisms



Published 18-10-2011
Ludger Mees


The cohabitation of the Basque Government, hegemonized by the Nationalist Party, and the Generalitat until the fall of Catalonia in February 1939, was carried out under the sign of a great political proximity. This was one of the conditions that allowed Aguirre and his councillors to realize a work that, looked upon from the distance of history, can really be considered impressive. The move to the Catalan capital was also attractive, because it reproduced perfectly one of the core elements of the nationalist discourse, that is, the discourse about the solidarity between the nations of the periphery in their struggle for higher levels of self-government. Yet, widening the analytic focus, the article reveals that this image of harmony and solidarity launched by the Basque nationalists stood in contrast with other periods of incomprehension, distance and suspicion before and after 1938/39. Concluding, the article pretends to show that behind the façade of the official discourse of Basque nationalism a much more complex and contradictory reality was hidden.

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