The Soviet Presence during the Civil War Period in the Northern Front Line (Euskadi, Santander and Asturias). The Brusiloff Report



Published 22-11-2011
Mikel Aizpuru-Murua


The material assistance provided by the USSR, the efficiency and determination shown by most of the communist organized groups and their insistence on winning first the war, helped the Spanish Communist Party towards a big expansion during the Republican period. In the Northern Front line this spreading was limited due to the lower soviet assistance, the relatively low communist influence and the lack of confidence of most of the political parties, socialists, Basque nationalists and anarchists, towards the soviet communism. Furthermore, the problems due to a more powerful Francoist Army and the obstacles created by the own soviet presence (lack of confidence of the republican military command officers towards the soviet ones, feelings of being superior or having higher status of the second ones over the republicans, communication problems, not suitable advisors, advisors rotating, etc). At the end, there was almost no influence to improve the offensive and defensive capabilities of the Northern republican Forces.

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