Municipal Charitable Organizations in Seville (1850-1900): Domiciliary Care, Shelter for The Poor and Emergency Hospitals



Published 23-11-2011
María del Carmen Giménez Muñoz


In spite of the abundant bibliography that now exists, covering the theme of charity, we still have little knowledge with respect to some important questions that would allow us to describe charity in Seville. The object of this study is precisely to try to address the roll played by municipal charities in the provincial capital during the second half of the nineteenth century. Who helped the poor in their housing, what functions were played by charitable establishments, how were they financed and under what legislation attempt was made to regulate them, during the different political epochs. Amongst the sources of information used two mainstays must be cited as covering the basic remit of our study; The Archivo Municipal (the council archives) and the Hemeroteca de la ciudad de Sevilla (the Seville newspaper and periodicals library).

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