The comunists' long journey through the moroccan political arena



Published 23-11-2011
M.ª Angustias Parejo Fernández


In this work I pay attention the moroccan communists (PPS), the third element of the Kutla. Although it is a minority party, with a low percentage of votes (2,3% in 1977, 4,54% in 2002) and with a reduced parliamentary presence (one seat in 1977, eleven seat in 2002), it's worth studying, that way it completes the trilogy (Parejo, 2005a). Among others, the reasons that justify its analysis are its origin, history, tradition, career, its permanent presence in the political arena, the pampering treat received from the State and the crucial time it is living.

I will focus on some PPS elements, such as its origin, doctrine, political line, organization, union matter, press and aliances.

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