Death of an editor in a electric tower: political violence in Italy (1969-1980)



Published 23-11-2011
Paola Lo Cascio


The article tries to offer a general view about the different fenomenous of political violence that took place in Italy between 1969 and 1980. As an introduccion, the article give a brief context view, that marks the main caracteristics of the italian society and political system from the end of the Second World War, giving special attention to the movements of the late sixties. Lately, offers a periodization based on two phases. In the first, from 1969 to 1974, indiscriminated violence by extreme right wing groups and some sectors of the state and security services took place. In the second one, from 1974 y 1980, violence was mostly exercited by left wing armed groups, although there was a not very well known but relevant right wing revolucionarism

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