Woman and conservative nationalism (1931-1936). Compared analysis of two cases: the emakumes of the PNV and the feminine section of the Lliga regionalist



Published 24-11-2011
Arnau González i Vilalta


This article presents the common points and the opposites in the political discourse developed by PNV and Lliga Regionalista about women in 1931-1936 periods. Analyse Female Section in Lliga and EAB of PNV, female groups that presented extensive agreement points in their actuation and by theoretic discourse. A speech focussed in division of public-man and private woman ambit, and the maintenance of inequality functions between both sexes. There are wide meeting points as defence of female religiously, home function and maternity, and the subordination of their political acts to male interests. By another way, there were some differences in acceptation of women access to culture and politics, in which SF and Lliga presented, in general, the most liberal vision.

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