Pensamiento del general Quesada durante la crisis de los Fueros vascongados (1876-1877). Su correspondencia con Cánovas



Published 24-11-2011
Arturo Cajal Valero


Messages given by general Genaro de Quesada to president Canovas during the application process of the law of 1876-7-21 on Basque «Fueros» (1876-1877), allow us to know at first hand Quesada's thinking as authority responsible for putting law into practice, his attitude to «foral» matter, and his advice about the righter policy of the government in the Basque Country. Article shows which the mind, viewpoints and policy of general Quesada were in the final phase of the last Carlist War and in the vital basque «foral» crisis in 1876, and his relationship with the President of the government; relationship that was no limited to condition of just an executor of higher orders and that was, through his recommendations and suggestions, a significant influence in Cánovas' decisions.

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