Welfare and social «cuestion»: an conservative contamination



Published 21-02-2012
Pedro Carasa


The article analyzes the different elements which conform the thesis for the social cuestion during the Cánovas «Restauracion» in Spain. Most of these elements come from the catholic tradicionalism. Specifically, many of the ideas, actitudes and praxis which were performed by the conservative elite to the social cuestion were inspired in the ancient charity and enlightened welfare bases. Therefore, the new social cuestion was defined obsoletely, social inequality was justified with the same traditional discourse, a wide range of old assistencial and religious activities were carried out, and the ecclesiastical foundations were highly increased while the statal and municipal participation was decreased. All of these traditional elements delayed the spanish conservative elite social policy so that the social reformism did not come up until the early days of the XX century and encouraged the working class custom of begging. They put old solutions into practice to solve new problems caused by the industrialization just like the catholic Church had dealed with the poverty using the historical charity.

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