Women and Social Problem in the Restoration: liberals and Catholics (1875-1921)



Published 21-02-2012
M.ª José Lacalzada de Mateo


On the basis of a country divided between liberals and Catholics and with a patriarchal social organization, this papers aims to restore speeches from the female genre related to the condition of women in Spain and the development of his human qualities. The awakening consciousness of women as «persons» was the key point to break patriarchal structures of society. The liberal speeches based on their wife or mother condition, although still following patriarchal patterns, will probe profitable in the long term to their consciousness and emancipation (as in the case of freemasons influence). On the other hand, those catholic anti-liberal speeches which put the emphasis on the confessional condition of women (who were, before all, wives and mothers) resulted in the strengthening of patriarchal structures as well as of a Theo centric view of life. Theses ideas are presented in a context in which social question means that in the end women remained within the new liberal society in a marginal condition related to the distribution of  wealth.

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