The «social problem» in the realistic and naturalistic literatura: two coal miners dramas («Germinal», Emile Zola; «Teresa», Leopoldo Alas)



Published 21-02-2012
José Manuel González Herrán


This paper begins making some general remarks about the weak attention paid by authors, scholars, critics and historians in nineteenth century Spain to the Social Problem. Then it analyse two dramatic works, Germinal (a performance of his own play by Émile Zola) and Teresa, the only dramatic work written by Leopoldo Alas. Both of them are «coal miners dramas» and they contain remarkable resemblances and differences, not only from a ideological-political point of view, but also in those specifically literary aspects. Thus, they may be useful as a in teresting instance of how two of the most outstanding authors in nineteenth century European realistic and naturalistic literature deal with Social Problem.

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