The POUM trial: an ordinary trial by an ex­traor­di­na­ry justice



Published 21-02-2012
François Godicheau


The trial against the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista's leaders, whose instruction during the summer of 1937 and which judgment was delivered in october of 1938 has been considered to be exceptional and specialy marked by Stalin's and the communists's determination to persecute a critical party they called trotskist. This article attempt to replace this trial in its context of repression against revolutionary militants, wether CNT or POUM one, after the Barcelona riots of may 1937. We can see that the responsables of this repression where as well republicans as communists and that the terms of the last whereas anf of the sentency simply repeated those of former trials against less famous revolutionnaries. The analysis of this trial demostrates that all the political actors intempted to legitimate themselve by using the judicial tribune and the power of juridical discourse to give credence to their propaganda about recent events.

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