«Del Rey abajo, ninguno»: la depuración política de la Real Casa y Patrimonio durante la crisis del Antiguo Régimen (1814-1835)



Published 21-02-2012
Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal


The process of Liberalism's installation in Spain was not only marked by its long duration, but also for its high degree of violence. In this conflict context and violence the political projects were characterized by a growing load of intransigence, as well as for the exile of any possibility of dissidence. In consequence, each alternative of power was followed by a process of rigor that didn't only imply the exclusion of the political enemy of the public life, but also its physical persecution and exile.

The court was a part of the wide environment of the King's power. It didn't constitute completely, but yes until certain degree, the central configuration of the whole structure of power, by means of which the King directed his wider environment of authority. This way, between 1814 and 1835, all the political groups and parties, for the victory of their ideas, considered necessary to purify the Real House and their opponents' Patrimony, recognizing, in this way, the definitive importance of this space of power. And it is that the rejection or the support of the Crown to a certain political option were a decisive factor —many other— for their victory during that period of time.

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