"Ius populi supra regem". Conceptions and political uses of people in the French catholic league (1580-1610)



Published 21-02-2012
Marco Penzi José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez


In this text we study the socio-political use of the concept of «people» during the final years of the Religion Wars in France. Different intellectual origins are taken into consideration: 1. The tradition of urban republics (the bonnes villes) in the north of France and the Low Countries; 2. The formulation of global concepts by jurists regarding the political position of people. 3. The conception of people as a corporation of the Church. Through these elements we attempt to verify other significant aspects: the use of these expressions by specific social agents, their capacity of political mobilization and the perception by the population; in this context, we will also consider the coexistence of various interpretations, the flexi bility of social agents regarding the uses of the same concept, and therefore logical tensions among different conceptions. Last, but not least, we try to understand their effect in the rise and the fall of the Holy Union of Catholics.

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II. Pueblo