Discursive topology of the catalanism during the Restauration: Cambó in the face of castilians, basques and catalans



Published 21-02-2012
Juan Sánchez González


This article sets up a proposal, based on the previous works of Professor Rodríguez de las Heras, for a new methodology applied to the study of ideo lo gies. The Topology of Discourse allows us to comparative analysis of the ideological structure of three speeches by Frances Cambó, leader of the regional discourse of Catalanism during the Restoration Period (1874-1923). Following the me tho dology we could establish similarities and differences of conceptions, ideolo gicals coherences and incoherences, places of redundancies in the text, rethorical strategies and omisions and elusions. So we could discover the adaptability of the text to the diverses publics of the speeches. On our opinion, if History wants to restress its scientific qualities, these problems of conceptualization should be at the centre of historical attention. Without theory there is no history, without con cepts is impossible to build up theory.

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