The Rise of Public Opinion in Spain: A Fundamental Practice for the Formation of Early Liberalism (1808-1810)



Published 22-02-2012
Richard Hocquellet


The Cadiz revolutionary process takes place between 1808 and 1812. It leads the spanish patriots to debate about some questions bound with the conjuncture and the projects of monarchy's reformers. Very soon, the press participates in this process. First with the difusion of the patriotic speech, under the control of the new authorities, the provincial juntas. Then, with the publication of a new kind of journals wich propound thougts about patriotism and want to step in the debates.

With the help of some political leaders, in 1809 in Sevilla, several journals are published, engaged in the demand of more liberalization. They are the first to claim the constitution of a public sphere where the government's affairs would be coment by the citizens. The begining of the construction of the public opinion corresponds to the future public's education. It means a work of politic's pedagogy. After, the redactors reveal their liberal positions in texts about the next Cortes. The last journals published in Cadiz before the opening of the asembly are completly devoted to the difusion of the liberalism, by offering their thoughts about the purpose of this constituent congress.

The public opinion in Spain, before the decret of press freedom, consists of the expresion of reformist ideas from a little group of patriots that mobilize the means of the press and that monopolize the public speech. They are the first that inderstand the power of the public in a liberal revolution's process.

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II. Opinión Pública