La protesta de sólo unos pocos. El débil y tardío surgimiento de la protesta laboral y la oposición democrática al régimen franquista en Andalucía Oriental, 1951-1976



Published 23-02-2012
Francisco Cobo Romero Teresa María Ortega López


The present article has up to now for object the study and analysis of a topic barely been by the history from the opposition to the franquismo. And it is in charge of the factors that made possible the resurgence of the labor and union movement, or of the labor protest, in the industrialized very little provinces of the Oriental Andalusia. This way, it seeks to put an end to the traditional vision created by the recent historiography and that it has reduced the protest acts against the Francoist regime to those intensely industrialized spaces of our country. The present investigation, centered in the provinces of Granada and Jaén and its evolution along an extensive historical period located between the end of the civil war and the final stage of the francoist regime, leads us to the following conclusion. In spite of the existence of multiple such obstacles as the negative effects of the francoist political industrialization, the prevalence of the managerial minifundismo or the weakness of the urban labor class, also in the studied provinces it took place a late reconstruction of the culture of the protest and the democratic recovery. That it contributed to the final crisis of the Francoist dictatorship.

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