Los eslabones perdidos del sindicalismo democrático: la militancia femenina en las CCOO de Catalunya durante el Franquismo



Published 23-02-2012
Cristina Borderías Mondéjar Mónica Borrell Jordi Ibarz Conchi Villar


The lost links of the democratic sindicalismo: the feminine militancy in the CCOO of Catalunya during the Francoism. Cristina Borderías, Mónica Borrell, Jordi Ibarz, Conchi Villar Department of Contemporary History, University of Barcelona Abstract From twenty-eight made interviews to militant women of CCOO, for the Project Working «Biografías: Fonts Orals i union militancy (1930-1978)» of the Historical File of CCOO of Catalunya-Fundació Cipriano Garci'a (AHCONC), this article calls the attention on the necessity to specially review some of the historiográficas interpretations that have emphasized the spontaneous character of the CCOO and the supposed rupture which it represented the democratic sindicalismo, in referred to the lack of connection between the militants of that «new labor movement» and the militants of the historical working organizations, and to the «of the political cultures of prewar from which supposedly the generations of militants of the CCOO suffered. Also it puts of relief the different dimensions from the protagonism of the women in the working and social mobilizations and the democratic sindicalismo during the Francoism and offers elements to interpret his little presence in the union structures and the nature of the conflicts between men and women in the work, the union and the policy.

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