Franquismo y oposición: propaganda contra el Régimen en la década de los cuarenta



Published 23-02-2012
Julián Chaves Palacios


The study of the movement of opposition armed to the regime of Franc in the Forties has in the last monopolized to years the interest of the historians, as it demonstrates the enormous number to it of books that have been published on that thematic one. One analyzes in this work one of his facets more not knowing: the propagandistic activity of maquis against the dictatorship. A difficult and complicated work, that their protagonists, after surpassing the adverse elements to their life in the mountain range, knew to develop with effectiveness, as much as for the preparation in the campings, like in their distribution by routes of communication and populations. The content of those propagandistic texts bore relation to the defense from the Republic, the democracy and the freedom.

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