The importance of the thermalism in the birth and development of the tourism in Europe in the XIXth century



Published 24-04-2012
Dominique Jarrassé


Thermal practice came before tourism, and from the beginning was an activity that generated a touristic actitude. Thus, it would be interesting to point out the relation between both activities, which, specially in the XIXth century, met a development together with the romantic sensibility and the avidity of the bourgeosie for distinguished amusements. The «city of water» could contribute to the discovery of the territory, but soon, became an attractive place because of its monuments, festivals and leisure activities. The real thermal tourism was born. The touristic and thermal guides showed the confusion generated between their administrative status, that were the same. Eventhough the medical activity was kept, the touristical side of the «cities of water» became more and more important, until there was a medical decline in most of the European countries.

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