The Banking in Bilbao in the process of industrialization, 1850-1914



Published 24-04-2012
José Víctor Arroyo Martín


In this reseach work see the relations betwen the finalcial characters and the process of the industrial revolution in the city of Bilbao from the midlle 19th century. Then, we put in firs position the banking system, what makes it activity in this city. The «comerciantes-banqueros» and the «cambistas» change into limited liability Companyes. The appearance of the factory coincide with the blooming of the Bankings, in the forma of Limited Companyes. Originally, the first Bank of the Bilbao City was a implement for the industrial process. This first Bank, betwen 1857 and 1874, had the billets emision's concessión. And, when industrialitation move forward, the factory's diversification and the Banking of Bilbao City went one reality. Afterward, across varieds moments. And the end is a Banking System (in Bilbao, in the mercat of Basque Country and Navarra and in the rest of Spain) very strong.

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