Entrepreneurial strategies and territorial networks in two spanish cities, Barcelona and Madrid (1832-1923)



Published 24-04-2012
Mercedes Arroyo


The gas network development in Barcelona and Madrid was related with the different economic and social characteristics of both cities. Among these characteristics, the entrepreneurial behaviour, the rate of reinvestment and the composition of the particular demand linked with the degree of industrial development were decisive.

The entrepreneurial behaviour is related, in its turn, with the rate of reinvestment applied to a structure characterized by the need of important amounts of capitals for his expansion. The particular demand, focused until the first third of XXth century in the industry and the commerce, was the main source of benefits of coal gas companies. In absence of this one, the gross of coal gas production had to be derived towards the public lighting system, which exerted serious consequences for the development of the Madrid gas network. In this city, unlike of Barcelona, a good established industrial structure was scarcely developed.

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