Landscape and industry in the Bilbao taking off (1860-1930)



Published 24-04-2012
Susana Serrano Abad


Bilbao is a excellent research tool to analize the transformations that took place, starting the last quarter of the 20th century, due to the impulse of the industrial take off. The breakdown of the traditional economic system, the emergence of new ways of producing goods, and the arrival of an impressive flow of immigrants that the city had to acommodate, are some issues that have been a focal point of research and debate. There is still some work to be done, such as those issues related to the interrelation between the territory and the emerging industry: organization of the inner city space, landscape alterations, or new spaces with specific roles. Is in this process where we should look for the origin of the unbalance between different territories and the conflictive uses of the land, which have arisen a hundred years later, just when the industrial system collapsed in the last quarter of the 20th century.

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