Reconstructing female activity rates in Catalonia circa 1920



Published 04-10-2012
Cristina Borderías Mondéjar


This article provides with new evidences about the Female Labour Force Participation rates in fifteen Catalan municipalities in 1920. Due to the high under-registration of female activity by the local enumerator books alternative methods and sources have been used. The reconstruction of female activity rates is based upon the nominative linkage of two main sources: the enumerator books and the Local Workers Censuses made under the direction of the Local and Social Reforms Comission and the Ministry of Labour (1919-1923). Female activity rates were particularly high in textile districts, even higher than in any other European countries at the time. From these new data factors determining female activity have also been analyzed allowing us to conclude that demand factors have a stronger influence than supply factors. This study also shows that male breadwinner model was far from being predominant between working class families in 1920 Catalonia.

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female labour force participation rates, censuses, enumerator books, Catalan industrialization, labour market, gender

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