Health and safety in productive relations: the relational approach as a substratum for decent work in the context of digital-robotization



Publicado 24-09-2018
María Salas Porras


The sudden and global immersion of society in the era of Digital-Robotization generates high degrees of political, normative, juridical-doctrinal and social confusion. Thus, while the International Labor Organization and the European Union seem to limit themselves to think on the options among the good, the right and the just —think that the ILO and the Union have not yet made a normative pronouncement about it, despite the global nature of the phenomenon—, the countries and their Courts seek solutions without normative support and with more shadows than lights, on transcendental issues for social development —think on the contradictory sentences of the Uber or Deliveroo cases—. In this context, this monographic number of Lan Harremanak provides a magnificent opportunity both to reflect in a multidisciplinary way on Decent Work, and to (re) think, as a society, our present and future. In this reflection, the study of occupational health and safety seems logical and useful insofar as its implementation is beginning
to rise to the category of claim not only labor, but genuinely human.

Cómo citar

Salas Porras, M. (2018). Health and safety in productive relations: the relational approach as a substratum for decent work in the context of digital-robotization. Lan Harremanak - Revista De Relaciones Laborales, (39).
Abstract 241 | PDF Downloads 274



Health and Security, Productive Relationships, Digital-Robotization, Relational Justice Approach, Decent Work.

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