La canción popular Το δημοτικό τραγούδι



Published 22-07-2015
Thiresia Chalavazi


The neo-Greek popular song is a collective and traditional creation, which combines the lyrical poetry with music and dance. It is the expression of the soul of the nation that had produced and transmitted it orally. Modern poets have accepted its influence and scholars have appreciated its poetic quality. The origins of the popular song go back to the ancient times. There is a great variety of songs as far as the content is concerned, but generally two broad categories are distinguished: the lyrical songs, which accompany all the manifestations of life; and the narrative songs, which tell a story within their verses. Among the formal characteristics of the popular song we can mention the metric form of decapentasyllabic verse, which is the main verse. Other numerous features of the song provide it with great expressivity and vivacity.

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