About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Ars Bilduma journal originated at the heart the Humanities Faculty's History of Art and Music Department at the University of the Basque Country with the aim of disseminating research articles in the field of History of Art and its specialties, both in its theoretical and practical aspects, understanding historical artistic heritage, conservation and restoration, ancient and medieval art, modern art, contemporary art, museology, musicology, performing arts, film and audio-visual arts, theoretical and systematic knowledge of art, documentary sources and artistic techniques as priorities.

Peer Review Process

Our purpose is to achieve a high level of scientific quality to enhance communication between the different areas of specialisation which exist within History of Art. For this we have a Scientific Committee, composed of prestigious researchers at national and international level. In addition, the magazine has an Editorial Board that ensures the adequacy of the proposed topics, ensuring the correct monitoring of the publication criteria.

Once an original has been received by an author, it will get a response within a maximum of one week on the adequacy of the proposed topic. After that, the article will be sent to review. The articles will be submitted for a double-blind peer review, that is, they will be sent without specifying the name of the author of the article to two specialists in the matter, which in most cases will be different from the members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee. This blind review will be carried out within a maximum period of one month and will either authorise the publication of the article or reject it. The editorial decision will be communicated to the author within a maximum period of one month after the review.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


  • Departamento de Historia del Arte y Música, UPV/EHU