The new image of the United States in the Spanish cinema at the fifties after the Pact of Madrid (1953)
Kepa Sojo Gil
The Pact of Madrid (1953) between Spain and the United States changed the way we see that our state had Americans. Bienvenido Mr. Marshall (1952) by Luis Garcia Berlanga, presented to Americans as imperialists who spent a long and left for Spain in poverty. After signing the agreement, we began to promote a positive image of the new allies. This, together with great success by Berlanga's film will encourage the emergence of films in which Americans appear as friends of the Spanish. This article will discuss some of them.
How to Cite
Sojo Gil, K. (2011) “The new image of the United States in the Spanish cinema at the fifties after the Pact of Madrid (1953)”, Ars Bilduma, (1). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.1062.
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Pact of Madrid, Berlanga, antiamericanism, European Recovery Program, Rafael J. Salvia, USA
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