Antoni Miralda and the artistic transfiguration of Kitsch



Published 02-02-2015
Claudia Arbulú Soto


In art, the pursuit of beauty has been the goal that both artists and viewers have pursued for centuries. It is clear that art has been transformed in accordance with the consciousness and artistic needs but mainly with the social and political needs of human being. The artist become human and the viewer in coauthor of projects that allude to public. The beauty unfolds in many types of beauty. The Kitsch as an aesthetic category was relegated and degraded as pure effect. Today the Kitsch approach- es to the masses, excited and represents them. The art-life and the transfiguration of the Kitsch that An- toni Miralda proposed in his objects and installations confront us with playful irony to the sectors of power and its most vulgar nooks.

How to Cite

Arbulú Soto, C. (2015) “Antoni Miralda and the artistic transfiguration of Kitsch”, Ars Bilduma, (5). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.11176.


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Antoni Miralda, kitsch, camp, corny, masses
