We are all artists; we are all dummies. Or on narcissism in the contemporary world
Luis David Rivero Moreno
Most of human need for representation of his own figure has gone into the construction of doubles in three dimensions. Mannequin will be one of the most used in art since the first avant-garde. Being considered not just as a substitute but a man competitor, acquiring an autonomy that makes man fall into doubt about the vitality of such figures. After all there is nothing more than the desire to project life in an "other", a figure where every artist and viewer is portrayed. The artistic personality of Narcissister reveals the masturbatory need to see ourselves re- flected in every surface.
How to Cite
Rivero Moreno, L. D. (2015) “We are all artists; we are all dummies. Or on narcissism in the contemporary world”, Ars Bilduma, (5). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.11663.
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body in art, human figure in art, man- nequin, Narcissister, self-portrait.
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