Notes to Domingo de Laca ́s biography and artistic career. The main altarpiece of the church of the Convent of the Mercedarians (Gernika)



Published 02-02-2015
Julen Zorrozua Santisteban


In this article, we approach to some new biographic and artistic aspects of the XVIII century architect Domingo de Laca, the description of the main altarpiece of the church of the Convent of the Mercedarians in Gernika and some new information about of two of Laca ́s colleagues: the architect Domingo Pellón and the sculptor Miguel Antonio de Jáuregui.

How to Cite

Zorrozua Santisteban, J. (2015) “Notes to Domingo de Laca ́s biography and artistic career. The main altarpiece of the church of the Convent of the Mercedarians (Gernika)”, Ars Bilduma, (5). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.13142.


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Domingo de Laca, Domingo de Pellón, Miguel Antonio de Jáuregui, main altarpiece of the convent of the Mercedarians in Gernika, baroque's altarpieces, Neoclassicism, Biscay, Gipuzkoa.
