From Sevilla to León: Simón Gavilán Tomé and work of the bridge of boats in Valencia de Don Juan



Published 18-04-2016
Jorge Martínez Montero


Simon Gavilan Tomé is considered one of the best sculptors of the baroque period in Spain, but his role as architect in Leon lands is one of the least known. These article, shows the request done by the town`s council of Valencia de Don Juan for the master in 1749, about the construction of a bridge on boats in the Esla river; an experience that led him to visit another of the bridges of the same type in the city of Seville, being so far the only documented work of civil engineering by the master.

How to Cite

Martínez Montero, J. (2016) “From Sevilla to León: Simón Gavilán Tomé and work of the bridge of boats in Valencia de Don Juan”, Ars Bilduma, (6). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.14578.


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Simón Gavilán Tomé, bridge of boats, Esla river, Sevilla, Valencia de Don Juan, León.
