Basque stonemasons within the Campo de Calatrava during the second half of the sixteenth century



Published 18-04-2016
José Javier Barranquero Contento


This research provides some unpublished data about the activity developed by some of the Basque – origin stonemasons around the area of the Campo de Calatrava, within the current county of Ciudad Real. This essay will precisely focus on the expansion of the parish churches of Alcolea de Calatrava and Argamasilla de Calatrava. Furthermore, additional information will be given about the presence of these masons around other population centres.

How to Cite

Barranquero Contento, J. J. (2016) “Basque stonemasons within the Campo de Calatrava during the second half of the sixteenth century”, Ars Bilduma, (6). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.14606.


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Basque stonemasons, second half of the sixteenth century, Campo de Calatrava, Alcolea de Calatrava, Argamasilla de Calatrava.
