Cuban art against homophobia: Corpus frágile, poetics of resistance



Published 18-04-2016
Carlos Tejo Veloso


This article analyzes the series entitled Corpus Frágile from the Cuban artist Eduardo Hernández Santos (Havana, 1966). This work makes us face the fragments of a body fed by the complex predicament that implies being gay in Cuba. These photographies build a man who dismantled the patriarchal stereotype of masculinity and knocks down the obsolete male pattern created by the Cuban revolution over the past fifty-six years. These and other maneuvers feed the ideological burden of Corpus frágile in order to build a personal iconography of resistance.

How to Cite

Tejo Veloso, C. (2016) “Cuban art against homophobia: Corpus frágile, poetics of resistance”, Ars Bilduma, (6). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.14682.


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Cuba, homosexuality, photography, contemporary art
