The Antonio de Guezala's photography: from the family memory to the picture sketch



Published 18-04-2016
Dolors Fabra Antón


The plastic versatility of Antonio de Guezala (Bilbao, 1889-1956) took him to experiment with several artistic disciplines, among them there is the photography. This article analyse the Guezala's interesting photographic activity, whose keep up many bonds with his artistic work, an aspect that is typical of the artist's complex and comprehensive creative process. Among the Guezala's photograph principal function stands out the memory from the familiar portraits, as well as the use of the photography as model for doing paintings. Both functions are articulated through a characteristic expressive language, and sometimes as a little experimental play.

How to Cite

Fabra Antón, D. (2016) “The Antonio de Guezala’s photography: from the family memory to the picture sketch”, Ars Bilduma, (6). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.14897.


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Antonio de Guezala, Photography, Memory photography, Pictoric model
