Formal connectons between the Tangram and the pictorial work of the neoplasticist Bart van der Leck



Published 19-07-2018
Iñigo Sarriugarte Gómez


If the target before the Tangram is to reconstruct different silhouettes by means of irregular and geometric pieces, the behavior would be similar for the viewer before the work of Dutch neoplasticist Bart van der Leck, applying a reductionist and planimetric methodology, especially when he abstracted the figurative subjects, in a geometric way and then he reduced them to loose items in bright colors on white background. This methodological contribution had influences on other members of De Stjl, particularly in the work of Piet Mondrian.

How to Cite

Sarriugarte Gómez, I. (2018) “Formal connectons between the Tangram and the pictorial work of the neoplasticist Bart van der Leck”, Ars Bilduma, (8). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.17633.


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van der Leck, Tangram, neoplasticism, joys, geometry.

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