Architecture and functionality of the Julio Romero de Torres Museum in Cordoba in the thirties



Published 19-07-2018
María Dolores García Ramos


The study of museum architecture is part of the interests of Museology. This work intends. The purpose of this work is to bring us closer to the crea on of the Julio Romero de Torres Museum in Córdoba, through the study and analysis of the configuration process and transformation of its building in the thirties of the last century, being the main objective to highlight the complex program of expansions and renovations carried out under the supervision of the then, Provincial Museum of Fine Arts in Cordoba.

How to Cite

García Ramos, M. D. (2018) “Architecture and functionality of the Julio Romero de Torres Museum in Cordoba in the thirties”, Ars Bilduma, (8). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.17963.


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Architecture, museum, Museo Julio Romero de Torres, Cordoba, museology, architectural space.

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