The diffusion of the Renaissance formulas within the Campo de Calatrava: Alonso Galdón and the parish church of Manzanares



Published 19-07-2018
José Javier Barranquero Contento


This work provides new informaton on the extension of the parish church of Manzanares (Ciudad Real) and the constructon of its Renaissance cover, one of the largest sculptural ensembles in the Campo de Calatrava, analyzing the important role played by stonemasons of Basque origin throughout this process.

How to Cite

Barranquero Contento, J. J. (2018) “The diffusion of the Renaissance formulas within the Campo de Calatrava: Alonso Galdón and the parish church of Manzanares”, Ars Bilduma, (8). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.17965.


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Parish church, Manzanares, Alonso Galdon, XVIth century, Architecture, Sculpture.

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