Esa pareja feliz (1951) of Berlanga and Bardem and their cinematographic and literary references



Published 27-05-2020
Kepa Inazio Sojo Gil


Esa pareja feliz is a key film to understand the dissident cinema to Francoism that
reacts to the cinematographic panorama of the Spanish post-war period. Much has
been said about this film, but no one has analyzed the cinematographic and literary
references that inspired Berlanga and Bardem. Only those references quoted by
the directors themselves have appeared in some old publications. This article tries to
analyze the degree of cinematographic and literary influence received by Esa pareja
feliz, as well as the repercussion exerted by this film in subsequent works.

How to Cite

Sojo Gil, K. I. (2020) “Esa pareja feliz (1951) of Berlanga and Bardem and their cinematographic and literary references”, Ars Bilduma, (10). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.21394.


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Berlanga, Bardem, Francoism, Spanish cinema, communism, censure, secrecy.

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