The evolution of the language in the American comic book of superheroes from the Iron Man’s comics point of view



Published 22-06-2022
José Ramón Sánchez Merino


This article analyses the evolution of the language inside the American comic book of superheroes. It involves drawing, coloring, and editing. To do this, we have focused our attention on the Iron Man comic series that belongs to Marvel Comics. Firstly, we will explain the classical elements of the comic itself. Then, we will present the numerous innovations and changes done over different decades, the artists who used them, and the numbers of the Iron Man comics where they appeared.

How to Cite

Sánchez Merino, J. R. (2022) “The evolution of the language in the American comic book of superheroes from the Iron Man’s comics point of view”, Ars Bilduma, (12). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.23309.


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