The intervention of the Areizábal in the church of San Miguel de Alfaro (La Rioja) in the 16th century



Published 26-09-2023
Eloy Bermejo Malumbres


The exhumation of a document preserved in the Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid has revealed new data about the construction history of the church of San Miguel de Alfaro. In it, we find the presence of some members of the Areizábal, a saga of master builders, involved in the renovation of the temple, whose results did not come up to expectations. The lengthy judicial confrontation, in addition to the economic and constructive difficulties, caused a slowdown in the erection of the religious center.

How to Cite

Bermejo Malumbres, E. (2023) “The intervention of the Areizábal in the church of San Miguel de Alfaro (La Rioja) in the 16th century”, Ars Bilduma, (13). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.24018.


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architecture, Alfaro, Areizábal, constructive history, San Miguel, La Rioja

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