The Architecture of Book in the Machine Age. Books and Modern Architecture in Spain



Published 06-03-2010
Francisco Javier Muñoz Fernández


The avant-garde architectonics of the Twenties developed a new book on architecture that, thorugh the use of different forms of artistic representation, revealed a modernist manifesto. Its objective was, amongst other things, to appeal to both the public and architects and to show them a model to follow that promoted the development of a new architecture, which existed in Spain from the end of the Twenties onwards.

How to Cite

Muñoz Fernández, F. J. (2010) “The Architecture of Book in the Machine Age. Books and Modern Architecture in Spain”, Ars Bilduma. doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.646.


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Books, Modern Architecture, 1920-1930, Spain.
