New additions to XVIII Century master architect Bernardo del Anillo´s artistic biography. The altarpiece of the Virgin of El Pilar (Bilbao. Santiago´s Cathedral) and other works in Biscay



Published 21-10-2010
Julen Zorrozua Santisteban


I wil review the most relevant landmarks of the Bernardo del Anillo´s career as an altarpiece maker in Biscay and I will contribuye to them with a new piece: the altarpiece of the Virgin of El Pilar in the Santiago´s Cathedral of Bilbao (1741-1742)

How to Cite

Zorrozua Santisteban, J. (2010) “New additions to XVIII Century master architect Bernardo del Anillo´s artistic biography. The altarpiece of the Virgin of El Pilar (Bilbao. Santiago´s Cathedral) and other works in Biscay”, Ars Bilduma. doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.974.


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Bernardo del Anillo, Virgin of El Pilar altarpiece, Bilbao, Santiago´s Cathedral, Barroco´s altarpieces, Biscay
